Grendel Boot Camp

Getting Things Done – The Grendel Way

Wednesday, November 4, 2015
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Cost: $50
Location: Westin Grand Ballroom C/D
Instructors: George Guidotti, Grendel, Kelly Adams, Harbor Light Planning, LLC 




Using Grendel just to log names and phone numbers? Want to gain proficiency with workflows, task management, projects, and filing? Struggling with integrating the ACP Pyramid? You’ll bring your own computer, log into your own Grendel account, work with your own database, and learn to harness greater efficiency in your practice. In order to get more out of the session, it is highly recommended that you review Grendel basics such as client data entry and workflows prior to attendance. This Boot Camp tailored to ACP Grendel functionality gives you live, in-person help where you might be struggling. This is also a great opportunity to get hands-on training if you are considering adopting Grendel in your practice and have a trial membership. Cost is just $50 per attendee. Electricity, secure Internet access, and refreshments will be provided. 

*Must be registered for the conference to register for the boot camp.



Instructor Bio:

Kelly Adams, Harbor Light Planning LLC

After acquiring eight years of experience in tax compliance and planning, Kelly changed her focus to comprehensive financial planning after consistently seeing a need for this type of service among the clients she serviced.

Kelly began practicing life-centered financial planning after completing the Cambridge Advisors Advantage training program in 1998 offered through the Alliance of Cambridge Advisors (Alliance of Comprehensive Planners). She spent over five years working with nationally recognized advisor, Bert Whitehead, JD, MBA, founder of Cambridge Advisors (Alliance of Comprehensive Planners) and President of Cambridge Connection, Inc., as an advisor and eventually partner.

Kelly holds a Bachelor of Arts from Michigan State University's College of Business. She has earned the professional designation of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. Kelly has also earned the designation of Enrolled Agent from the Internal Revenue Service. 

Kelly is an active member and educator for the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners. She is an active member of the National Association of Personal Financial Planners (NAPFA) and the National Association of Tax Practitioners (NATP).

Harbor Light Planning, LLC was founded in December of 2003 upon principles that place the utmost value on our clients' financial goals and objectives.



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